The biggest CILOK in the world

Just if you know what is cilok, the "aci dicolok". Hahaha..
Its a snack made from tapioca which be boiled and steamed.
But this one is more to a meatball. Especially a tennis meatball..
Just take a look at its size, usually cilok is just as big as marbles~~

Let me introduce you to Sukabumi Cilok!!
I find the vendor at Sukabumi Market.
Haha so big, even i dunno how to eat them. damn.
Just find them and eat them :')

Something you must missed (for 90's)

If you are a 90's kiddos, you must known this one.
"Paket 200 sms"
So it gave you 200 sms free for idr5k (nominal), eventually sold by idr7k.
Then you have 7 days to run it out.
It was a challenge to make the count to zero because in average you have to send 30 message in a day.
For a kid that year (around 11-15 yo), that was a little too much.
But i dont think so for these days kids. Haha
This is so nostalgic, especially i was the one who sell these things. Hahaha
Yeah i was an account seller, yet i'm atill doing it till today xD

Toy store??

I dont know.. kiddos must be very excited being here. But why either i am..? Haha.. being here is a moodbooster. Always :-)

A great supper

Last night.. i finally found this stuff!
You know what? Indomi Telor Kornet Keju or internet keju.
Haha :heavybreathing