Belajar dari jam dinding

Dilihat orang atau tidak, ia tetap berdenting.
Dihargai atau tidak, ia tetap berputar.
Walau tak seorangpun mengucapkan terima kasih, ia tetap bekerja.
Setiap jam, setiap menit, bahkan setiap detik.

Teruslah berbuat baik pada sesama meskipun perbuatan baik kita tidak dinilai dan diperhatikan orang lain.
Ibarat jam dinding yg terus bekerja yg tak dilihat namun senantiasa memberi manfaat bagi orang di sekitarnya.


Muslim nowadays

Muslim's are weak..
No unity for each other.
We just love our self..
We love happiness in donya..
We dont care about other Muslims problem..
We just care how we live better and happy life.
We love the world more then Akhira....
and we call ourself... muslim..
Million of muslim children dying every year, by massive rocket and bullets...
and all Muslims in this world are only Watching...
It wasn't enough..

Nowadays, both Muslims country are 
killing Each other..
And some Muslims are Killing innocent 
Now..we are muslim..
We are dying priceless..

Lets moohasabah.
(Hayla tiboron)

What Kind of Thinker Are You?

by Mark Bonchek and Elisa Steele

We all aspire to work better together. Technology is making some of that effort easier. But digital tools are only part of the answer. It’s people who ultimately make the difference.

The problem is that technologies for collaboration are improving faster than people’s ability to learn to use them. What can be done to close that gap? A year ago we set out to find the answer, drawing on the collective experience of dozens of collaborative communities and learning organizations. Here’s what we found.

In most organizations, there’s a standard set of tools we use to form, lead, and manage teams. These include personality tests, skill profiles, and team roles. When you put a team together, you consider people’s personalities: are they an introvert or extrovert, risk-taker or risk-avoider, analytical or intuitive? You consider their skills: What is their specific area of talent, experience, or expertise? And you consider their potential role on the team: What will their contribution be to the team’s purpose?

We normally think of roles as being about what people do, such as team leader, project manager, or researcher. When you need a decision, you go to the team leader. When you want a status update, you go to the project manager. When you need something investigated, you go to the researcher.

But in today’s marketplace, the smartest companies aren’t those that necessarily out-produce the competition. Instead, it’s the organizations that outthink them. And while there are plenty of tools that help us quickly understand what our teammates do, it’s harder to tell how they think. Research shows that it is ultimately how teams think together that most determines their performance.

We therefore propose that just as team members today have assigned doing roles, there should also be thinking roles. By knowing how other members of your team and organization think — and by others knowing how you think — everyone can be more energized, more engaged, more creative, and more productive.

One aspect of collaboration is about getting people aligned in what they do. But there is another dimension is about getting people aligned in how they think.

So how should you evaluate about how you and your team think? There are frameworks for how you personally think or how youinfluence others one-on-one. But we didn’t find any simple assessments that would help people connect, communicate, and collaborate based on how they think. So after a lot of co-creation and trial-and-error, we developed a three-step method that delivers practical and meaningful results.

Focus. The first step is to identify the focus of your thinking in a particular context or setting. Do you tend to pay the most attention to ideas, process, action, or relationships? For example, in the morning as you contemplate the day ahead, do you tend to think about the problems you need to solve, the plans you need to make, the actions you need to take, or the people you need to see?

This isn’t about picking one to the exclusion of the other. It’s about where your focus naturally lands. Just like when you consider watching a movie or reading a book, do you tend to go for action, romance, drama, or mystery?

Orientation. The next step is to notice whether your orientation in that setting swings toward the micro or the macro — the big picture or the details. A good way to identify this orientation is by thinking about what tends to bother you in meetings. Are you more likely to complain about getting dragged into the weeds or about things being too general and not specific enough?

These dimensions are complementary to personality, skills, and traditional roles. Some project managers are more inclined to focus on process and others on people. And some extraverts are big picture and others more detail oriented.

The third step is to combine these two dimensions and see the thinking style at work in whatever context or setting you chose.

For example, on the big picture or macro orientation:

Explorer thinking is about generating creative ideas.Planner thinking is about designing effective systems.Energizer thinking is about mobilizing people into action.Connector thinking is about building and strengthening relationships.

Across the micro or detail orientation:

Expert thinking is about achieving objectivity and insight.Optimizer thinking is about improving productivity and efficiency.Producer thinking is about achieving completion and momentum.Coach thinking is about cultivating people and potential.

When you know your thinking style, you know what naturally energizes you, why certain types of problems are challenging or boring, and what you can do to improve in areas that are important to reaching your goals.

Once you know your style, it helps to share it with others, and have others share theirs with you. In this way, your thinking style becomes a useful tool — a kind of socialcurrency — for the team. Imagine you put together a team to work on a new initiative. Wouldn’t you like to know who is energized by big-picture strategy discussions and who finds them frustrating? Who likes to work on the details of the execution? And who is energized by managing the team dynamics?

As a real-world demonstration, one company had their entire leadership team identify their thinking styles as managers and leaders. Looking at a heat map of the results, they realized they had a lot of big-picture Explorer thinking and a lot of Action thinking (Energizer and Producer), but very little Process thinking (Planner and Optimizer). The team was strong at coming up with big ideas and mobilizing everyone into action, but weak at working out the details and making things run efficiently.

With this new information in hand, they started giving more voice to those whose detailed thinking often seemed like a buzz kill to the big picture explorers and energizers. They also shifted the culture and recruiting strategies to create a more balanced and diverse thinking style.

At an individual level, one specific leader had always operated in idea-rich environments like consulting and marketing. But by identifying her thinking style, she realized that she was more energized by relationships than ideas. Her orientation was more towards Connector thinking than Explorer thinking. She used ideas to nurture relationships, rather than relationships to nurture ideas. This insight led her to shift the focus of her work toward account management and business development, leading to much higher levels of energy and engagement.

The landscape of business is changing rapidly, and we have to find new and better ways to connect and communicate. We all aspire to work better together; the challenge is actually making it happen. Understanding collaboration through the lens of thinking rather than doing is a practical and powerful step forward.

Mark Bonchek is the Founder and Chief Epiphany Officer of SHIFT Thinking, helping leaders and organizations update their thinking for a digital age.

Elisa Steele is CEO and president of Jive, a provider of modern communication and collaboration solutions for business.

Muslim kini

Yg membedakan muslim sekarang itu adalah tingkat toleransi terhadap proses taqwa, bukan toleransi halal-haram.

Dan 1 lg, tingkat kehati-hatian tiap orang itu berbeda.
Ada yg menghindari syubhat sebagai solusi, tp ada yg memecahkannya dengan berhati-hati.

Tiada Gading yang Tak Retak

Demi masa.
kekecewaan itu hanyalah rasa..
Bahkan manusia terbaik pun kadang mengecewakan kita.

If you dont keep your words, you're doing it wrong fella....

Ya, sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. 

Tentang Aku, Kamu, dan Semua Orang.

Semua orang sampai pada puncaknya masing2.

Entah seberapa tinggi dan berapa waktu kesempatan..
Entah dalam kesadaran mendaki atau tidak, atau bahkan sadar sudah melewati atau tidak.

Walau kadang kita berhenti atau terperosok, semoga kita akan terus mendaki tanpa lelah.
Dalam keinginan dan dalam kesadaran..


Menurutku, hujan itu dengan karakter yg beda tapi punya sifat yg sama dengan uang.
Ia tak berwarna namun merefleksikan segala warna.

Aku? Lebih suka yg rintik. Menenangkan dan menyejukkan.

Macam-macam dakwah

1. Dakwah bil Lisan
Yang mengungkapkan dengan kata-kata dari orang ke orang

2. Dakwah bil al-Hal
Dengan menjadi contoh baik bagi orang sekitar seperti memberi sedekah, cepat atau lambat orang di sekitar kita akan mengikuti tingkah baik kita

3. Dakwah bit Tadwin
Dakwah dengan media tulisan baik cetak maupun elektronik

4. Dakwah Fardiah
Ini dakwah yang dilakukan spontanitas, contohnya menasehati teman yang lalai akan sesuatu

5. Dakwah Ammah
Ini dakwah yang dalam skala kelompok, seperti ceramah dan pidato yang nantinya penyampaian kita akan mempengaruhi orang untuk bertindak baik

6. Dakwah bil Hikmah
Ini dakwah yang paling halus, mempengaruhi orang dengan mendekatinya sehingga penerima dakwah mengikuti kebaikan-kebaikan tanpa ada paksaan, contohnya menceritakan bagaimana kiamat terjadi, siapa yang celaka dan selamat, setelah itu yang penerima dakwah akan menyimpulkan sendiri (bukan karena kita yang menyuruh) langkah apa sebaiknya untuk kedepannya

Setiap orang memiliki caranya sendiri untuk berdakwah, dan ingat sabda Rasulullah SAW,
"Sampaikanlah dariku, walau hanya satu ayat"
(HR. Bukhari)
Ilmu yang baru saja kita dapatkan langsung sampaikan, jangan menunda-nunda, disitulah keberkahan dari ilmu tersebut

Sumber: status Sunarti Haminu

Pengakuan terhadap Bangsa Arab

Bagaimana bisa? Mereka, orang Arab, orang Baduwi pedalaman, orang gurun yg tak diperhitungkan, tiba-tiba menjelma menjadi sekelompok pasukan yg menaklukan bangsa kami; Suriah. Juga bangsa-bangsa Arya yg memiliki sejarah dan peradaban yg jauh lebih luhur; Romawi dan Sassania Persia? Bagaimana bisa? Orang-orang Arab, pasukan tanpa senjata, berkuda tanpa baju zirah, tanpa tutup kepala dari baja, berhasil memenangkan pertempuran dan manpu meruntuhkan pasukan polihan kekaisaran Romawi dan Persia.

Sungguh dalam waktu amat singkat, seluruh dunia diambil alih oleh orang-orang Arab. Mereka menguasai laut dan bandar-bandar utama. Mereka menguasai kota-kota legenda yg dikelilingi benteng-benteng menjulang dan kokoh. Mereka menguasai Timur dan Barat. Dari Siprus hingga Cappadoica. Dari Yaman hingga Kaukasia. Semua Bangsa; Armenia, Suriah, Persia, Romawi, Yunani, dan Mesir.

(Dokumen pada lembaran daun lontar tulisan pendeta John bar Penkaye; Suriah, 687 Masehi)

Batu bata

Dalam hiatus kumerenung durja..
Apa bisa kuperbuat, onggokkan daging bernyawa ini tak punya daya.
Hingga kuputuskan meminang kalian semua..
Dan kitalah laskar batu bata.
Yg mungkin siap memberikan dunia

Hal besar mulai berkerumun
Mimpi-mimpi indah terus kita bangun
Mungkin harapan itu tak sirna pun
Seberkas silau kian menyeruak dan berhimpun..
Hingga suatu saat asa kita kian membumbung.

Ada satu waktu..
Kita semua hilang itu..
batu bata yg meredup sayu..
Hingga sedih ku bertabur sendu..
Ada apa dengan kamu..?
Bisakah kita berhenti dari layu..?

Bata itu kembali memerah.
Menunjukkan ia masih bisa merekah..
Senyum itu paling indah.
Dan berjelagaku pun henti sudah
Senyum yg bagai kembali tuhan memberikan titah..
Memang....senyum itu paling indah...

Hingga waktu kian tak terasa.
Bata pun kehabisan kata..
Ghirah yg terus semakin menyala
Tak pernah ia kehabisan bara api nya

Akhir pun selalu menjadi niscaya
Kala waktu menjadi teman terpercaya
Tenang saja hey batu bata,
Bukankah kita bersamaNya?
Pastilah dan semogalah kita berhimpun di jannahNya

Semoga tak henti karya kita bersemat
Dalam rabithah kita selalu terikat
Dan dalam "bangunan" kita selalu bersama dan erat.
Terimakasih hey laskar batu bata yg kuat,
kalian lah yg terhebat....